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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Cloud Migration & Consultation

“Everything will be on the cloud

and data will be the new oil.”

Satya Nadella

CEO of Microsoft


We will help you move your digital business operations, such as data storage and applications, from local, on-site computers or servers to a cloud-based system.


Think of it like moving from a home office to an online workspace. This allows your business to access data and services from anywhere, reduce costs, and enhance data security and recovery options.


Moving a business to the cloud is a complex and multi-step process that needs to be planned and executed carefully. 


We will go through your infrastructure, suggest and help through the migration process.

Benefits of being on the Cloud


Cloud systems can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for remote work and flexibility


Instead of having to buy and maintain expensive servers and hardware, you pay for what you use in the cloud, which can be scaled up or down based on your needs.

Disaster Recovery

Cloud providers often have robust backup and recovery systems. This means if something goes wrong, like a power outage or natural disaster, your business data is still safe and accessible.


As your business grows, your cloud services can easily grow with you. It's much easier and quicker to add more capacity in the cloud than it is with traditional servers.


Cloud services often come with tools that make it easy for team members to collaborate and share information, no matter where they are.

Updates and Maintenance

With a cloud provider, you don't have to worry about software updates or server maintenance. They handle all of that for you, ensuring you always have the latest and most secure versions.


Cloud services can be more energy-efficient than maintaining your own servers, making it a more environmentally friendly choice.


Many cloud providers offer strong security measures, including encryption and security protocols, to protect sensitive data. This can be especially beneficial for small and medium businesses that may not have extensive cybersecurity resources.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a way of storing data on remote servers that can be accessed over the internet. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its many benefits for businesses. Cloud storage helps businesses with major data storage needs to save a significant amount of space and money by eliminating the need for data storage infrastructure on the business premises. The cloud storage provider owns and maintains all the necessary hardware and software so the cloud users don’t have to.

Cloud Consultation

We provide cloud consulting services to businesses. Cloud consulting is the process where an organization leverages cloud consultants to build, operate, manage and maintain an optimal cloud environment.

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions

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